Sunday, July 7, 2013

Interview With an American

Because I wanted to get different perspectives than just my own on what students think about fashion in the UK compared to fashion in the US I enlisted the help of one of my fellow study abroad students to get a sense of what a male from the US makes of the style differences and similarities. His name is CJ Pellerano and he is also a junior studying abroad at Royal Holloway University for the Spring semester.

Me: Do you think the fashion in England is different than the fashion in the US? Any specific examples?

CJ: Yes, I definitely think the fashion is very different. Everyone here dresses up much more. You won’t really see anyone in sweatpants or a sweatshirt even when it’s freezing out. Also, the people dress very differently from each other. There isn’t one type of style.  

Me: Do you see any similarities and who do you think is modeling whom? 

CJ: There are a few similarities between our fashion and theirs. For example, skinny jeans are popular in both countries. They are just more popular with guys in England than in the U.S. Also, their clothes, while similar to ours, always seem a little more formal and fancy. I don’t think anyone is copying anyone—I just think it happens naturally.

Me: Have you changed your fashion at all as a result of being here?

CJ: I think I’ve started dressing a little nicer for everyday stuff than in the U.S. but I wouldn’t say I’ve changed my fashion. 

Me: Will your changes follow over to back in the US? In other words, will you continue to dress differently than you used to when you are back in the US? 

CJ: I probably will keep dressing nicer in the U.S. just because people respect you more when you don’t look like a slob.

Me: Do you believe the English fashion pulls from any other cultures more than others?

CJ: I think all fashion pulls from other cultures but each individual style is unique and different.  

Me: What is your favorite English fashion trend?

CJ: My favorite fashion trend from the UK are fedoras. I bought this one in Camden Market.  


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