Thursday, January 24, 2013


Hello and welcome to my blog! First a little intro about me. My name is Jessica and I am a 21-year-old American college student studying abroad at Royal Holloway University of London for this semester. I am originally from a small town in Connecticut and the college I attend back in the US is Bentley University. While I have another blog devoted to my travels while in London (link), I wanted to start this blog and devote it simply to fashion and style differences between college students in Europe and college students in the US.

I originally started thinking about this subject while doing research before I left for study abroad. I am a very overattentive person (that's putting it a nice way). Therefore, I wanted to learn everything about England before I ever even booked my ticket. And while I was able to find a ton of information about what the teaching, people, and general life there wasn't a whole lot out there about what the typical English college student would wear. Yet many websites cautioned how they dressed different than the US. Needless to say, I found this frustrating as ever.

Another thing you should know is I love fashion! While my clothing budget may sometimes be an issue I am always on the lookout for what is going to be the hot new thing for the next season. However, I like to see it through the eyes of a typical person instead of a high fashion magazine. I mean, let's be honest, how many times have you seen a typical person walking down the street wearing something you would find on a runway. Answer: never! However, there are tons of trends that originate on the runway that find there way to the average college student and this is what I plan to focus on. I'll try to update every week or so and I'll try to include different things to keep all my lovely readers interested. Now, thank you for your patience and onto my first topic...

Yoga pants do not, and I repeat, DO NOT, exist here! Or, if they do, they are carefully hidden by the girls of England and only worn when alone in their dorm rooms with the blinds drawn. For anyone who has been to the US for even a day you can tell this has been a big adjustment for me as they are practically part of the dress code for girls back home. On any given day when I just didn't feel like putting much effort into my outfit I would grab a pair of yoga pants and a cute long sleeved shirt and I would be ready to go. This does not seem to be an option here.

While I have found that leggings (thankfully) do transfer to European fashion, yoga pants, unfortunately do not. Therefore, for now, my yoga pants are reserved for wearing only when no one else is around. So for anyone planning to come to England any time soon don't even bother bringing them unless you enjoy gazing at them wistfully while pulling on a pair of skinny jeans.

Well, that's all for today but expect more soon. Cheers!

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